We tackle the questions:
Is our current purpose actually serving our students? Is it serving the world? Is it creating the future we want to have?
We get to the ROOT of these problems with sustainable RESULTS:
Eliminate Teacher & Student Burnout
Slash Staff Turnover
Dramatically Increase Student Motivation & Engagement
Double Deeper Learning and Student Scores
Significantly Reduce Anxiety & Depression for Students, Teachers, and even You
Regain a Sense of Aliveness & Efficacy at Every Level
Shift Purpose & “Why”
Reframe Current Curriculum so it Serves Social Action
… and do all of this without buying another tech tool, purchasing another SEL program, or adopting another curriculum.

“I wholeheartedly recommend Educate With Purpose to anyone looking to make a difference in education.”
Rajen Sheth, Education Entrepreneur and ex-VP of AI for Google Cloud
Partner With Us
Our program is tailored to the needs of our partners and consists of:
Educate With Purpose Leaders Program
Educate With Purpose Teachers Program
Consultative Calls
In-Person and Virtual Workshops
Keynote Speaking
1:1 and Small Group Coaching
Self-Paced Online Modules
We believe that the purpose of education is for individuals to discover their unique contribution to the world and use their knowledge for social action.
Through our coaching program, educational leaders become catalysts for students to shape their individual role in the advancement of humanity.
Learn how we do this ⟶
The Current State of Education Needs a Radical Shift
“Students self-report less motivation (50%) and lower morale (49%) as compared to their motivation and morale prior to the pandemic. An even larger majority of teachers perceive less student motivation (87%) and lower student morale (82%).”
“About one-third of employees [in schools] are engaged (33%), while about half are not engaged (51%) and the remaining 16% are actively disengaged.”
We Specialize in the Inner & Outer Work Needed To Radically Transform Education
“Dr. Mona Kiani is one of the best consultants I have ever had the opportunity to learn from and I am a better person being a part of her great presentations. What is shared with you will stick with you and last a lifetime. The information can be used in your personal life as well as your business life. It is life changing and transformational.”
Principal Pamela Schritter, Mesa Verde Elementary School, Farmington, NM
Our dynamic in-person and online workshops are unique in that they welcome all stakeholders to be involved — teachers, administrators, staff, and parents! Check out our engaging, research-based workshop offerings below and during our first consultative call, we’ll put together a program that’s the perfect fit for your organization.
Featured Workshops
Shifting Our Purpose in Education
Our education model needs a major paradigm shift if we want to be an instrumental part of creating a better world. This workshop redefines that purpose and the inner and outer work required to transform the schooling experience. This will, ultimately, elevate the type of human being the student becomes upon graduation and the way they contribute to the betterment of society.
Emotional Intelligence for Educators and Students
Emotional Intelligence (EI or EQ) is the ability to perceive, understand, and manage one’s emotions and the emotions of others. Studies show being emotionally connected is the secret ingredient to a student’s resilience and success in school. Learn to be the cause of positive emotional contagion, thereby creating an open, inviting, and safe environment for all students to thrive.
Education for Racial Harmony - Culturally Responsive Communities
A key part of a successful school is becoming aware of and responding to diverse cultures. The first step in this process is creating a culturally proficient staff. This journey of self-discovery and empathy building will give access to vital skills for collaborating across cultures, backgrounds, and experiences, as well as a common language to communicate effectively around such sensitive topics.
Education for Social Action
What is the purpose of education if it doesn’t help develop the individual to better understand themselves, the world around them, and ultimately how to take part in making it a better place? Discover how to augment your curriculum to bring social action to the forefront of learning.
Conscious Leadership For Educators
This workshop aims to unravel the educator’s innate potential to become a conscious leader in their field and to tap into their innermost human capabilities to be a guiding light for students in their journey to self-discovery. Building on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, we will explore self-actualization with Barrett’s framework for consciousness and discover the path towards conscious leadership and organizations.
Education for Harmony of the Sexes
It is said that world peace depends on the full equality of women and men because when women enter the arena of leadership, she will not agree to send her sons to war (Abdu’l-Baha). This workshop examines the current structures both outwardly and within ourselves that need to be dismantled to create a future generation where all sexes are honored and given equal opportunities to participate in societal discourse.
Growth Mindset to Self-Actualize
Perhaps one of the most important lessons an educator can teach young people is to have a growth mindset -- that challenges are opportunities for growth and that with persistence and determination, any obstacle can be overcome. In this workshop we explore various cultures’ relationship with struggle to better understand our own perception of it and how we can embody and teach this incredibly invaluable life lesson in a way that will serve students throughout their lives.
Inquiry-Based Learning for a New World
Research shows that students learn best when they are immersed in an experience that is driven by their own questions and curiosities. In this workshop, we apply a new purpose to the schooling experience and the mechanism to get there is through inquiry based learning. Learn how to transform your current curriculum into projects that naturally engage, inspire, and lead to positive social change.
The Purpose & Strategies of Excellence
Of all living things -- plants, animals, and humans -- only human beings have the choice to decide whether or not they want to fulfill their potential. The natural order compels all other living things to grow to their maximum heights. Creating a new world means understanding the purpose of excellence (the why) and the proven strategies to get there (the how and what). Learn from the research-based methods of well-known masters to level up your systems, processes, habits, and attitudes around excellence.
“Educate With Purpose (EWP) transformed the mindsets of our teaching staff. Without doing some of the difficult and critically important work inward, outward changes will not be sustained. The facilitators at EWP fully engaged 100% of our educators in their experiential workshop that manifested in immediate changes in their classrooms, student motivation, and even parent involvement.”
Dr. Peterson, Montessori School